Looks...Important? Really!!!

"Oh, Mom! Look these two pimples...eh! ugly! I won't go to school like this."
Hey, I have a very important meeting today.
thinking to visit a salon for clean up.
"Dad, come on! Don't expect me to wear your outdated shirt and go out."

Common statements, aren't they? Almost every other person we come across, says he or she does not like his or her appearance.

Unlike Narcissus, who fell in love with his own reflection in a pool of water, some of us nearly fall into depression when we see our reflection! Many youngsters fret about their face, hair, figure or physique, forgetting about the fact, Everything has been made pretty in its time.

Undoubtedly, looks do matter but only upto some extent. They can be the cause for initial attraction, initial interaction, and initial impression but if the looks are deceptive, people will soon get to know.

Most of you must be concerned about your appearance, but when it comes to your friends, parents, knowing their fine qualities, you seldom even think about their looks. Isn't it. Of course yes, because of today, confidence, personality, intelligence, presence of mind, spontaneity, knowledge are the steps of the ladder to success. Looks are just an imaginative illusionist step to which our mind gives great importance. But the reality is "Looks might help you to get there, but to remain there, you need much more."

The media may force you to believe that if you are not a flawless skinned beauty or a muscular 'hunk' you might crawl into a hole somewhere or at least forget about ever being popular or happy. But my dear friends, the important thing is that one must feel good about oneself. If one has the personality to stand out in a crowd, the confidence to voice his opinion and take a stand, the character to command respect and be influential, then nothing can stop that person from reaching the sky. The fields like business, politics, human relations, etc. give more importance to ethical virtues unlike media associated fields, where people who are paid for their looks are at their peak but only for a brief moment before they are discarded for a fresh, new face.

So, before concluding that you are an ugly duckling, ask yourself - to what extent your physical flaws are real or imagined. Is that facial feature you fret (or are teased) about really so unattractive? Or have others pressurized you into thinking that it is? The Bible advises,"Don't let the world around you squeeze you into its own mold." Ironically, the very thing you dislike about your looks may well be the source of someone else's enjoy. So... Do not look at one's appearance, for not the way man sees is the way God sees, because mere man sees what appears to the eyes, but as for God, he sees what the heart is.

"What matters most is how you see yourself."


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