Want to double your E-Commerce Conversion Rate? Here are the best tips to follow...!

There is no point of starting a business if you can’t generate revenue out of it. Every business wants to push its customer base and increase its sales. Here are a few basic tips that will help you boost your sales without investing a lot of capital.

10 Tips to double your Conversion Rate

     1. Speed
Your online website depends on the structure and design of your website. If you are able to lure your user onto your website and make him/her there to surf through your products, you are likely to make a sale. In order to do this, it is important that the interface of your website is smooth and light. If you are using a hosting website then ensure to use its high performing version plans.

     2. SEO and CRO
In order to increase the number of your customers, you first need to ensure that they are able to see. And in order to do that, you have to work on your Google search visibility. Study and understand Google algorithm to boost your SEO which will automatically boost your customer conversion rate.

     3. Switch to Responsive Websites
Getting responsive design simply refers that site designs that automatically switch fir into the device which is being used by the visitor. This will help in enhancing your user experience, eliminating the need for them to pan, resize or scroll.

     4. Smooth Navigation
Nobody wants to be on a website that takes centuries to load and delivers a poor navigation system. Your motto should be to give your users a seamless experience while switching one page to another if you want to make any sales.

     5. Improve Your Copy
The Internet is a visual playground, where only the things that show get sold. Here, it is your responsibility to craft a stellar copy for your content. Another way to work on your website is to create the content and insert SEO keywords in it based on your targeted audience.

     6. Go Visual
Visual Graphics are always a better way to depict content then text-based content. Use your creativity and start creating images, videos, and banners to promote and share your content online.

     7. Offer Social Prove
Use the feedback and reviews of your happy satisfied customers on social media channels to gain more customers. Google algorithm also analyzes negative and positive ranking of a brand while giving it ranking, so ensure to create a balance of these reviews.

     8. Simplify the Checkout Process
Turn buying stuff from your website into a child play that user’s fall in love with ordering stuff from your website.

     9. Take up Abandon Carts Follow Up
Analyze your abandon carts to determine why your customers didn’t complete their purchase. Abandoned carts enormous opportunity for the users to increase their conversion.

     10. Free Shipping
People are more likely to purchase from brands who offer free shipping then the ones who charge it, because of the simple logic that they have to pay less.


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